Präsentation am eHealth Summit

„Smartwatch-based Assistance System“ im Finale der eHealth 2016

Mit dem Paper A Smartwatch-Based Assistance System for the Elderly Performing Fall Detection, Unusual Inactivity Recognition and Medication Reminding, das aus meiner Masterarbeit hervorgegangen ist, nahm ich am Studierendenbewerb der eHealth 2016 Konferenz im Rahmen des eHealth Summit Austria in Wien teil und durfte die Arbeit dort als Finalist präsentieren.

Das Paper, das gemeinsam mit meinem Betreuer Prof. H. Burgsteiner zustande kam kann bei IOS Press kostenlos gelesen werden, eine Kurzübersicht des Projekts findet sich hier, der Abstract hier:


The growing number of elderly people in our society makes it increasingly important to help them live an independent and self-determined life up until a high age. A smartwatch-based assistance system should be implemented that is capable of automatically detecting emergencies and helping elderly people to adhere to their medical therapy. Using the acceleration data of a widely available smartwatch, we implemented fall detection and inactivity recognition based on a smartphone connected via Bluetooth. The resulting system is capable of performing fall detection, inactivity recognition, issuing medication reminders and alerting relatives upon manual activation. Though some challenges, like the dependence on a smartphone remain, the resulting system is a promising approach to help elderly people as well as their relatives to live independently and with a feeling of safety.

Foto: HIMSS Europe